Networking Opportunities Within the Junior League

There are countless benefits to joining the Junior League of Chicago. Whether you’re seeking social activities, volunteer opportunities, or civic engagement, our organization offers something for everyone.

One of those benefits is through various networking opportunities which many members encounter by chance or by choice in the following ways:

  • By attending our JLCU events
  • Organically, from attending our social or volunteer events, held both virtually and in-person
  • Searching our JLC LinkedIn Group where members can connect with other members or past members to see open job opportunities from members’ companies

JLC member Adriana Hoak recently found her latest role because of a Junior League connection, which she discussed in her interview.

“My director hired me in November because I’m a member of the JLC! During my interview, all we talked about was the Junior League!” 

It’s not uncommon for members to share stories about how the Junior League helped them build out their resume or offered leadership experience that helped them land their next role or build upon their skillset. Members of the League have access to trainings in our Resource Center, including Leading an Effective Meeting, Managing Workplace Conflict, and Managing Your Budget – all helpful trainings for any career field.

Using the JLC LinkedIn Group Job Board for Networking Opportunities

For members who are in the market for a new job or are interested in making a career change, we recommend checking out our LinkedIn Group.

a linkedin post on the JLC page

A recent post on the Junior League of Chicago LinkedIn Group

Here, members can connect with fellow members who are in a position to hire at their organization or are seeking information on roles in other companies. Users can also select the “bell” symbol at the top right of the page underneath the search bar to receive notifications when a job is posted or when a member engages with your post.

If you are looking to hire for your company, consider posting on the JLC LinkedIn Group to leverage our network of incredible, talented women within the organization.

Looking to become a member of the Junior League of Chicago? Interested in building your network and furthering your career? Complete a Prospective Member Information Form and we will reach out to you with our next available dates for our Prospective Member Information Sessions.

Written by Mary Kate Mack, Technology Vice President, 2020-2021