Voting Is a Service to Our Community

During these unprecedented times, it’s more important than ever to be equipped with the knowledge, tools, and resources to be successful advocates for the issues facing women in our community at the local, state, and national levels.  Voting is one of the most important – and easiest – ways we exhibit advocacy.  Below are actions you can take and share with others to prepare to know how to vote in Chicago in the upcoming election.

Join our JLC Team on Motivote

The Junior League of Chicago, together with over 130 other Leagues across the country, is participating in Vision2020 Votes, a national, nonpartisan effort to get more women than ever registered and voting. Join our JLC team on Motivote to get the most up-to-date information about voting and to earn rewards for every action you take. Help us meet our goal of 200 JLC team members by signing up today!

Check Your Voter Registration Status

Don’t wait until Election Day; double-check your registration status and share the link to register with your network today. In Illinois, you must register to vote by October 18 to vote in the General Election.

chicago women voting

Request to Vote by Mail

Stay safe this Fall and vote without ever leaving your house. All registered voters in Illinois are eligible to apply to vote by mail, and registered voters in Chicago may request a mail-in ballot online. You must request a mail-in ballot by October 29.

Your ballot will be mailed to you after September 24, and then you must either mail in your completed ballot or return it to a secure collection box (available at all early voting sites) by November 3.

Consider Voting Early

In Chicago, early voting opens on October 14 in all 50 wards across the city. On weekdays, voters may cast ballots from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on weekends and holidays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Apply to Be a Poll Worker

There is a crucial need for more registered poll workers throughout the country.  You can apply online to be a paid election coordinator or election judge in Chicago for the November 3 election to support a greater number of functioning precincts, encourage safe voter turnout, and ensure well-run elections in our city.

Live outside of the City of Chicago? Get more information on voting by mail, early voting, and serving as a poll worker in your area:

We hope that you’ll take these actions, and share this information with a local friend or family member to ensure they know how to vote in Chicago with this key election information.  With your help, we can ensure a strong voter turn out in this critical election.

Written by Kristin Bernhard & Rebekah Bueschel
Advocacy Council Vice Presidents